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Outpatient Maintenance or Detoxification
We have three different medication regimens for new patients. Options available are buprenorphine maintenance, rapid detoxification, and naltrexone sustained recovery. Clinical studies have shown improved outcomes in patients who are maintained on opioid medication, however we do provide the option to taper off medication over the course of 1-6 months depending on the response to tapering and provide treatment with naltrexone to prevent relapse. Buprenorphine is available as Suboxone ®, Subutex ®, Zubsolv ®, Sublocade ®, and is also available as generic.
Per federal requirements, all patients currently undergoing buprenorphine therapy for opioid dependence must also have counseling as part of their treatment. We provide referral to counselors that work closely with us to meet this requirement. Counseling can be done over the phone, in person, or online. As a concierge practice, we value your privacy and discretion.
At the initial visit, a comprehensive history and physical will be performed along with urine drug screen. Treatment options are reviewed with the patient and a customized treatment plan is agreed upon.
Patients requiring initial induction onto Suboxone must be in full withdrawal with symptoms and no opioid medication within 24 hours. If currently taking methadone, this may require 48-72 hours. A prescription will be written for the patient to fill and then return the same day for initial dosing. The initial dose is given and symptoms are monitored continuously until symptomatic relief from withdrawal is achieved.
For patients currently stable on Suboxone, this induction is not required and they do not need to be in withdrawal at initial visit.

The Suboxone Program requires routine follow-up visits for medication monitoring, assessing for symptoms of withdrawal, verification of program adherence including counseling and avoidance of illicit substances. Follow-up visits are weekly for the first 2 weeks to 1 month depending upon response and then monthly thereafter. However, if there is a program violation or medication changes, there may be a need to return again to weekly follow-up visits.
If requiring 2mg per day or every other day dosing, patients can be seen up to every 2 months.
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